Modeling of Thermodiffusion Inertia in Metal Films Heated with Ultrashort Laser Pulses
A.J. Janavičiusa and S. Turskienėb
aFaculty of Natural Sciences,Šiauliai University, Višinskio 19,Šiauliai, 76351, Lithuania
bFaculty of Mathematics and Informatics,Šiauliai University, Višinskio 19,Šiauliai, 76351, Lithuania
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Received: 26 6 2006;
Previously, we considered the analytical solution of nonlinear diffusion equation in two-dimensional surface. This allows us to consider the same nonlinear heat conduction equation for metals heated by a picosecond laser. After fast thermalization (within a few femtoseconds) of the laser energy and electron excitation in the conductivity band, electrons ballistically diffuse and transfer their energies to the target atoms and equilibrium electrons from the conductivity band. In this case, we have thermal diffusion of nonequilibrium excited electrons and thermal inertia for thermodiffusion. The relaxation time of excited conductivity electrons is directly connected with thermal inertia and depends on electron-electron collision frequencies. The theoretical temperature surface plots for the thermodiffusion of excited electrons were obtained from analytical solutions of nonlinear thermodiffusion equations.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.110.511
PACS numbers: 66.30.-h, 79.20.Ds