Competing Magnetic Interactions in Zn3Fe4V6O24 Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
G. Zolnierkiewicza, N. Guskosa, b, J. Typekaand A. Blonska-Taberoc
aInstitute of Physics, Szczecin University of Technology, al. Piastów 17, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland
bSolid State Physics, Department of Physics, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, 15 784 Zografos, Athens, Greece
cDepartment of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Szczecin University of Technology, al. Piastów 17, 70-310 Szczecin, Poland
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Received: 25 09 2005;
A multicomponent vanadate M3Fe4V6O24 sample with non-magnetic M = Zn(II) ions was synthesized by the solid state reaction method using stoichiometric mixtures of the 80mol% FeVO4 and 20mol% Zn3(VO4)2. The temperature dependence of the EPR spectra was performed in the 90-280 K temperature range. The resonance field and the integrated intensity of the EPR line showed minimum value of both parameters at≈200 K. It is suggested that a part of the sample is displaying tendency to form an antiferromagnetic ordered state (or the magnetic clusters) above this temperature while below the ferromagnetic interaction of the main part of material is dominating. This behaviour is attributed to the inherent magnetic inhomogeneity of the system due to the presence of the ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic spin clusters.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.109.675
PACS numbers: 76.30.-v, 75.50.Dd, 75.50.Ee