The Controlled Manipulation of Parameters of the Quantum Antidot |
T. Pyragienė
Semiconductor Physics Institute, A. Goštauto 11, 011008 Vilnius, Lithuania |
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Received: 22 08 2004; |
The electron motion in a strong perpendicular magnetic field close to the impenetrable obstacle is considered by the semi-classical and quantum points of view. We investigated an influence of a shape of the forbidden region to the formation of the plateaux in the one electron energy spectrum and transmissions between dot and antidot states. In the semi-classical regime electrons can be treated as charged particles with well-defined trajectories pinned to the potential wall. This approach, combined with singular equation technique in quantum calculations, has given us a possibility to investigate stripe-shaped and bow-shaped antidots with sharp edges and to find a way for controlled manipulation of the parameters of systems with an effort to get desired physical properties. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.107.392 PACS numbers:73.20.Mf, 85.35.-p, 03.65.-w |