Electron Transport and Microwave Noise in MBE- and MOCVD-Grown AlGaN/AlN/GaN |
A. Matulionisa, J. Liberisa, L.F. Eastmanb, W.J. Schaffb, J.R. Shealyb, X. Chenb and Y.J. Sunb
aSemiconductor Physics Institute, A. Goštauto 11, 01108 Vilnius, Lithuania bCornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA |
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Received: 22 08 2004; |
Microwave noise temperature, current, and dissipated power were investigated at room temperature in undoped AlGaN/AlN/GaN channels grown by molecular beam epitaxy and metal-organic compound vapour decomposition techniques. Samples with essentially the same electron density (1×1013 cm-2) and low-field mobility (1150 cm2/(V s)) demonstrated considerably different behaviour at high electric fields. The effective hot-phonon lifetime, 300 fs and 1000 fs, respectively, was estimated for molecular beam epitaxy and metal-organic compound vapour decomposition samples. The expected anti-correlation of hot-phonon lifetime and hot-electron drift velocity was confirmed experimentally. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.107.361 PACS numbers:63.20.Kr, 72.20.Ht, 73.40.Kp |