High-Speed Quadratic Electrooptic Nonlinearity in dc-Biased InP
L. Subačiusa, I. Kašalynasa, M. Vingelisa, R. Aleksiejūnasb and K. Jarašiūnasb
aSemiconductor Physics Institute, Goštauto 11, 01108 Vilnius, Lithuania
bInstitute of Materials Science and Applied Research, Vilnius University, Saulétekio 9-3, 10222 Vilnius, Lithuania
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Received: 22 08 2004;
We present experimental data on degenerate four-wave mixing as well as simulation results of fast optical nonlinearities in highly-excited semi-insulating InP under applied dc-field. Hot-electron transport governed enhancement of optical nonlinearity is obtained by applying a dc-field of 10-14 kV/cm at full-modulation depth of a light-interference pattern. The hydrodynamic model, which incorporates both free-carrier and photorefractive nonlinearities is used to explain the experimentally observed features. We show that the enhancement of optical nonlinearity is due to the quadratic electrooptic effect.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.107.280
PACS numbers:71.55.Eq, 72.20.Ht