Transport Phenomena in Two-Dimensional Structures with Quantum Dots |
J. Požela
Semiconductor Physics Institute, A. Goštauto 11, Vilnius 01108, Lithuania |
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Received: 22 08 2004; |
A model that explains the unusual characteristics of the AlGaAs/GaAs modulation-doped field-effect transistor (MODFET) with InAs quantum dots incorporated in the GaAs channel is presented. It is shown that the negative charge of electrons confined in quantum dots decreases the threshold gate-drain voltage at which the channel is fully depleted. This provides an impact ionization of quantum dots at a low drain voltage. Because of the quantum dot ionization, the quantum dot MODFET transconductance becomes large and negative. The increased transconductance, due to the additional doping of the GaAs and InAs channels by impurities, exceeds 103 mS/mm. It is shown that the insertion of InAs quantum well with quantum dots into the GaAs quantum well increases the electron maximum drift velocity up to 108 cm/s, and consequently, quantum dot MODFET current gain cut-off frequency up to few hundred gigahertz. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.107.118 PACS numbers:73.63.Hs, 73.63.Kv, 85.35.Be, 85.30.Tv |