Interacting Electrons and Holes in Quasi-2D Quantum Dots in Strong Magnetic Fields |
P. Hawrylaka, W. Shenga and S.-J. Chengb
aInstitute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OR6, Canada bElectrophysics Department, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30050, Taiwan, Republic of China |
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Received: 10 06 2004 |
Theory of optical properties of interacting electrons and holes in quasi-2D quantum dots in strong magnetic fields is discussed. In two dimensions and the lowest Landau level, hidden symmetries control the interaction of the interacting system with light. By confining electrons and holes into quantum dots hidden symmetries can be removed and the excitation spectrum of electrons and excitons can be observed. We discuss a theory electronic and of excitonic quantum Hall droplets at a filling factorν=2. For an excitonic quantum Hall droplet the characteristic emission spectra are predicted to be related to the total spin of electron and hole configurations. For the electronic droplet the excitation spectrum of the droplet can be mapped out by measuring the emission for increasing number of electrons. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.106.403 PACS numbers: 73.21.-b, 83.35.-p, 73.21.La, 71.35.Ji, 78.67.Hc |