Temperature Dependence of Antiferromagnetic Interlayer Exchange Coupling in EuS--PbS Multilayers
M. Chernyshova a , L. Kowalczyk a , M. Baran a , A. Szczerbakow a , T. Story a , C.J.P. Smits b , A.T. Filip b , H.J.M. Swagten b , W.J.M. de Jonge b and A.Yu. Sipatov c
a Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
b Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
c National Technical University KPI, 21 Frunze Str., 61002 Kharkov, Ukraine
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Antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling in semiconductor EuS--PbS--EuS ferromagnetic trilayers grown on PbS (001) substrates with ultrathin (0.6--1.2nm) nonmagnetic PbS spacers is studied by SQUID magnetometry and model calculations. Analysis of the experimentally observed magnetic field and temperature dependence of the magnetization of EuS--PbS structures reveals a rapid decrease in the interlayer coupling energy with increasing temperature indicating a temperature dependence of the microscopic coupling mechanism acting in these all-semiconductor ferromagnetic/ nonmagnetic multilayers.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.105.599
PACS numbers: 75.20.Ck, 75.30.Et