Magnetic Characterisation of Ni Triangular Elements Prepared by Nanosphere Lithography
H. Głaczyńska a,b , U. Ebels a , J. Rybczyński b , W. Kandulski b and M. Giersig b
a SPINTEC (URA 2512 CNRS/CEA), CEA/Grenoble 17 Av. Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
b Center of Advanced European Studies And Research, CAESAR/Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn, Germany
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A systematic study of the magnetic properties of submicron equilateral Ni triangles is reported. The triangular shape is a result of the particular preparation method used, which is based on a new kind of nanosphere lithography technique. In this case, the magnetic material is deposited through a latex sphere mask, yielding a periodic hexagonal array of in-plane magnetised triangular shaped elements. The magnetic properties were investigated as a function of thickness by magnetic force microscopy, superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry and vibrating sample magnetometry.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.104.337
PACS numbers: 75.75.+a, 75.60.Ej, 61.46.+w