Characterization of Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Deuterated Glycine Phosphite Crystal
J. Furtak, S. Dacko and Z. Czapla
Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wroc³aw M. Borna 9, 50-204 Wroc³aw, Poland
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Received: June 3, 2003
Dielectric, dilatometric, and ultrasonic studies around the ferroelectric phase transition at 319 K were done. Measurement of relative electric permittivity showed the existence of a strong bias field which causes in studied samples some diffused character of phase transition. However, all presented measurement confirmed the continuous character of phase transition. The obtained data are similar to those received earlier in the case of hydrogenated glycine phosphite crystal.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.104.67
PACS numbers: 77.80.Bh