Longitudinal Strain Induced Birefringence in Highly Birefringent Fiber for Dynamic Compensation of Polarization Mode Dispersion
A.W. Domański, P. Lesiak and T.R. Woliński
Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper addresses a compensation method of polarization mode dispersion based on longitudinal strain applied to a highly birefringent fiber introduced as apart from optical fiber link. As an introduction a short overview of the polarization mode dispersion compensation methods known up-to-now is done. Dependence of polarization mode dispersion on longitudinal strain is discussed. Some results of experiment with birefringence changes due to longitudinal strain in the bow-tie highly birefringent fiber necessary for dynamic polarization mode dispersion are presented.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.103.221
PACS numbers: 42.81.Gs, 42.81.Pa, 42.25.Ja, 42.25.Dd