Influence of External Electric Field on Time of Nonlinear Optical Reorientational Effect in Nematics
W.K. Bajdecki and M.A. Karpierz
Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
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Nonlinear reorientation phenomena in nematic liquid crystals cause extremely large refractive index changes. However, this effect is relatively slow and the determination of the time necessary to appearing or disappearing of the nonlinear effect is an important issue. In this work we present measurements of the time of increasing the nematics reorientation induced by the light beam passing through the liquid crystalline layer. The influence of external low-frequency electric field suppressing reorientation is also reported. The obtained results describing relations between time and optical power of light as well as between time and external electric field intensity are in good agreement with theory.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.103.187
PACS numbers: 42.65.--k, 42.70.Df