Systematic Measurements of Doppler-Coincidence Spectra for Positron Annihilation in Pure Metals and Semiconductors
W. Denga, D. Pliszkab, R.S. Brusaa, G.P. Karwasza,b and A. Zeccaa
aIstituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Unita di Trento 38050 Povo, Italy
bInstitute of Physics, Pomeranian Pedagogical University, 76-200 Słupsk, Poland
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Received: January 21, 2002; revised version April 4, 2002
Doppler-b roadening measurements of the electron-positron annihilation line in twenty six elements are presented. The adopted coincidence technique allows to reduce the background and point out the contribution of positron annihilation with core electrons. The changes of the high momentum contribution is presented for selected examples and a semiempirical analysis of the dependence on electronic structure is performed. Measured data are in a good agreement with recent theoretical calculations and can be used to identification of impurities surrounding open volume defects.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.101.875
PACS numbers: 71.60.+z, 78.70.Bj