Rutherford Backscattering Angular Yields under Channeling Conditions for H+ and H0 Projectiles |
and G. Pudłowski Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki, Rzgowska 17A, 93-008 Łódź, Poland |
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Received: September 25, 2001; revised version December 4, 2001; in final form April 5, 2002 |
The Rutherford backscattering angular scattering yields for 100 keV H+ and H0 projectiles from Si crystal was measured. The analysis of results using Monte Carlo simulations leads to the conclusion that H0 beam suffers smaller dispersion than H+ beam, when crossing crystal surface. It means that the H0 scattering probability is smaller at large impact parameters. For greater penetration depth the channeling process turns out to be the same. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.101.857 PACS numbers: 71.45.Gm |