X-ray Holography with a Position Sensitive Detector
A. Lausia, M. Kopeckyb, E. Busettoa and A. Savoiaa
aSincrotrone Trieste, Strada Statale 14 - km 163.5 in Area Science Park 34012 Basovizza - Trieste, Italy
bInstitute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences Na Slovance 2, 18040 Prague, Czech Republic
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Integrating photon collection on position sensitive detectors used in combination with an absorption filter offers many advantages in X-ray fluorescence holography experiments: (i) the simultaneous recording of the full hologram allows us to overcome most of the difficulties -- notably the large number of experimental points and the precision requirements -- that make the practical realization of the measurement of holographic patterns very difficult and time demanding also when using powerful synchrotron radiation sources; (ii) the high angular resolution and the very precise detection of intensities make the reconstruction of images of distant as well as light atoms possible; (iii) area detectors are readily available at most crystallography dedicated beamlines at synchrotron radiation sources, so there is no need of complex, dedicated instrumentation. As an example, the hologram of a CoO single crystal recorded on an imaging plate is reported, evidencing the images of atoms located up to more than 7 A far from the emitter and also of the light oxygen atoms.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.101.621
PACS numbers: 61.10.-i, 07.85.-m, 42.40.-i