Nuclear Fusion Induced by Super-Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Deuterium Cluster Plasma |
V.P. Krainova and M.B. Smirnovb aMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology 141700 Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia bMax-Born Institute, Rudower Chaussee 6, 12489 Berlin, Germany |
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An SiO aerogel with absorbed deuterium is suggested as a target for the fusion reaction d+d -> He3+n by a super-intense ultrashort laser pulse. The multiple inner ionization of oxygen and silicon atoms in the fibers of this fractal aerogel takes place in super-intense laser field. The Coulomb explosion of the deuterated aerogel skeleton propels deuterons up to kinetic energies of ten keV and higher. The neutron yield is estimated up to 105 neutrons per laser pulse during ~500 ps if the peak intensity is 1018 W/cm2 and pulse duration is 35 fs. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.101.347 PACS numbers: 52.57.Bc, 52.57.Kk, 28.52.Cx |