Electron Energy Spectra from the Strong-Field Double-Ionization of Xenon |
J.L. Chaloupkaa, R. Lafona, J. Rudatia, B. Sheehya, P.~Agostinib, K.C. Kulanderc and L.F. DiMauroa aBrookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY 11973, USA bSPAM, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France cTAMP, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551, U.S.A. |
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The electron energy spectra correlated to the strong-field double-ionization of xenon are presented at three laser intensities. The double-ionization electrons are on average more energetic than those generated from single-ionization. This difference in energy is not manifested as a simple scaling to higher electron energies, but rather as a change in the shape of the spectra. This trend is observed at all intensities. Most notably, the comparison between single- and double-ionization spectra is very similar at low and high peak laser intensities. This could imply that a sequential double-ionization process dominates at all intensities, even where the double ion yield is enhanced. |
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.101.337 PACS numbers: 32.80.Fb, 31.90.+s, 32.80.Rm |