Embedded Atom Method for Theoretical Strength and Stability of Some fcc Metals
Y. Öztekin Ciftci and K. Colakoglu
Gazi University, Faculty of Art and Science, Ankara, Türkiye
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Received: June 11, 2001
The structural phase transformation and theoretical strength of fcc metals Ni, Cu, Ag, Al, Au, and Pt under [100] uniaxial loading are studied by using analytical embedded-atom-potential method. In the present calculations the stress-free bcc phase is found unstable and fcc phase is found to be stable. The obtained energy differences of fcc--bcc phases are comparable with those found by the first-principles calculations and experiments for all metals considered. The present pair potential in the embedded-atom method is used for the first time for this purpose. Theoretical lattice parameters, volumes, and energies of the bcc and fcc structures for each metal at zero pressure are calculated and compared with the available experimental values. Third-order elastic constants and pressure--volume curves for studied metals are also investigated and found generally good agreement with experiments.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.100.539
PACS numbers: 64.60.--i, 62.20.--x